Saturday, June 20, 2015

Lots of Questions.

Hello My Reader,
I see this all over the place on other blogs.. lists of blogs others read. Ever curious I went to HELP for the answer.

Add blogs to your Reading List Sign in to
  1. Click Reading List. 
  2. Click Add. 
  3. Enter the URL (web address) of the blog you want to follow. 
  4. Click +Add to add as many blogs as you want. 
  5. Decide if you want to follow each blog publicly or privately. Click Follow.
I will attempt to do this without breaking something.

(aair resident)

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Air Beautiful World - video

My second attempt. Enjoy!

About my Second Machinama - Dance

Hello Dear Reader, I spent most of today learning about how best to set up my viewer (Firestorm) for capturing a good smooth machinama. Made for 'busy' searching, and reading the how to's on which short cut keys to use for clearing the UI (Cmd+Opt+Cont+fn+1) this just didn't hide the mouse cursor. Spent some time searching for the answer, didn't find it, so I slide the mouse curser off to the and started recording. Learning more with each one. Thanks for reading. Oh and if you now how to hide the curser, Do share. I use screenflow for the Mac.